About Us

Golden Sun Candles was established in 2021 and is a small family business operating out of Cooran in the Noosa Hinterland on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

I was first introduced to beeswax candles when I met my partner who would regularly burn them in the home. I was drawn to the simplicity of them, no packaging, no jars, no labels, just the raw beeswax there to touch and feel its beauty and goodness. Now as a father of two young children, I've come to value them even further for the reverence and warmth that they bring to our home life.

I've always been naturally interested in how things work. I love the constant challenge of discovery and experimentation. When something unknown becomes known it is a great feeling, particularly when put into practice. Hence, making beeswax candles became a small hobby of mine. Since then I've come to realise that there is a hidden craft behind the simplest of things.

Then one day, in deep thought and doubt about the ideas involved in making a small business out of our candles...a bee came and sat on my big toe... she didn't just land and fly away, she stayed there with me quietly for some time, then off she flew. Personally this moment was a sign... all my doubts were gone and with it came clarity.....and Golden Sun Candles was born.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far and we look forward to expanding our range with you over time.

We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Jesse and family